The closing of the Pattern Recognition in Physics continues to make waves all over the blogosphere, Anthony from WUWT is taking real advantage of the situation by blowing it all out of proportion just to serve his needs and bias against any science that may be planet/sun related. The day is coming closer to when Anthony will have to pull his head in and admit he was wrong to deny the real science that is taking place.
The PRP guys are guilty of setting up a journal that does not look good, but that is the extent of their crime to which they should have taken advise from some who warned them beforehand (I was one that tried to warn). The Journal should not have been shutdown, instead the problem should have been rectified.
But I do have a beef with the review system of PRP that failed to follow point 8 of the reviewer rule of Copernicus
8. A referee should be alert to failure of authors to cite relevant work by other scientists. A referee should call to the editor's attention any substantial similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or any manuscript submitted concurrently to another journal.
I posted the following comment on tallblokes Talkshop and Jo Nova's blog without reply, I might need to take it up with Copernicus. UPDATE: Email sent.
Interesting times, the whole CAGW side of it in particular.
But what ever happens to this journal in the future I would encourage a move away from the appearance of PAL review that this journal has been criticized for. It does our cause no good.
I have a particular gripe with the just published I. Charvátová and P. Hejda paper in Pattern Recognition in Physics. The reviewers (tallbloke being one) .
Charvátová for decades has been talking about the disordered orbit and how it aligns (roughly) with times of solar slowdown. It is now known what exact planetary configuration causes the SINGLE disordered orbit of around 10 years which disturbs the balanced trefoil arrangement around the SSB and it is also known how to quantify the planetary alignment and the SINGLE disordered orbit in respect to predicting solar downturn at the solar cycle level. This new knowledge allows more accurate predictions of single grand minima type cycles which has shown to be more accurate than Charvátová’s 2007 prediction for solar cycle 24 of 140SSN.
This new knowledge was first made available in 2008 and then published in 2010 at and then later published (2013) in the peer reviewed International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
The paper is titled:
Are Uranus & Neptune Responsible for Solar Grand Minima and Solar Cycle Modulation?
As Editor and peer reviewer Roger Tattersall failed in his duty to science and should have instructed Charvátová and Hejda to include the new science in their paper as it is directly relevant and is a new discovery that explains the disordered orbit.
Roger has been aware of my work for years but has refused to discuss it at the “talkshop” or indeed include it in the scientific literature where it is directly relevant where he had direct control.
A new paper in press at Solar Physics by esteemed authors will soon be available which is in full agreement with the basic principles I have outlined in my paper.
As a sidenote:
Some good news today, for years I have been fighting with Connolley to correct the WIKI record in relation to Landscheidt. Connolley has maintained that Landscheidt named the “Landscheidt Minimum” after himself and also provided a reference. I have pointed out to Connelley several times the reference makes no such claim but he has refused to budge.
On Jo Nova’s blog I challenged him directly and he eventually folded. The WIKI record for Landscheidt now does not state that Landscheidt named the minimum after himself.
Some justice has prevailed at least, albeit it a small victory.