
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & Charvàtovà's work.

Geoff Sharp

Solar Wind Speed vs ENSO

Some say there is a relationship between Solar wind speed and the El Nino/La Nina cycle that has a large influence of our world weather patterns. There are a couple of problems with this assumption.

1. The solar wind speed is just one function of the solar wind. The solar wind density is also important along with the angle  (Bz) of the interplanetary magnetic field.

2. When comparing the 2 data sets there is little evidence of any correlation.

Below is a graph depicting the NINO3.4 SST anomalies (Reynolds OI v2) and the OMNI solar wind speed. The solar wind speed is inverted. Click on the pic for a full size view.

For those that might like to play around with the spreadsheet it can be found HERE.

NINO3.4 data HERE.

OMNI solar data HERE.

Many thanks go to Carl's brother Dave for providing the Domain, Server and Software.