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Continued research is providing additional information to help us understand the planetary influence on solar output and grand minima. The basis of my research has stemmed from Carl Smith's AM graph and the study of the AM perturbation that coincides with past solar slowdowns. By accident during Jupiter research I created a new graph that is the Jupiter to Sun distance subtracting the Jupiter to SSB distance. The output is very close to the Sun from SSB distance graph but with some subtle differences. The new graph shows extra perturbation detail not obvious on Carl's Graph, an example is around 1930. When looking at the sunspot record (SC16) along with the solar path detail it is obvious this previously unknown perturbation has had an effect on solar output.
During the length of the sunspot record it appears all disruptions to the solar cycle happen while the Sun is on the inner loop path. This could be the origin of the G-O rule where the rule states even numbered cycles are followed by higher odd cycles. This rule only works after SC10 but the inner loop has been mainly associated with the even numbered cycle but this will change over time as in my opinion the solar loop paths are separate from what determines the 11 year solar cycle. The solar motion about the SSB is merely an engine which drives solar output but does not regulate the timing. But over the sunspot record it appears solar disruption can only occur on the inner loop path, the timing of what solar cycle is progressing around this time determines some of the disruption strength along with the actual disruption strength of the perturbed AM that causes the extended inner loop path that is quite different from the "normal" pattern.
A recent paper by Wollf & Patrone is causing quite a stir as it proposed a physics based mechanical link between the planets and sun that could vary solar output. I have received email from Dr. Wolff suggesting the abnormal inner loop path works within their theory of reduced solar output. Below is figure 2 from the W&P paper that deals with the inner loop.

I am confused about the clockwise/anti-clockwise reference but I am sending a copy of my diagram to W&P to get their views on the inner loop paths and how they might affect a solar cycle according to their theory. Stay tuned for a hopeful update from W&P.
UPDATE: 18th Aug.
Wolff and Patrone have responded to my email. The counterclockwise/clockwise issue is basically a line drawn from the centre of the sun and the barycentre and how that line rotates as the sun approaches the SSB. When the sun passes shy of the SSB(1991) the line is rotating clockwise which only happens during a "zero crossing" or when Jupiter is opposite Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. This is a relatively rare occurrence with the majority of approaches being counter clockwise. Some confusion coming from my SIM diagrams being displayed in the opposite orientation to the Wolff/Patrone diagram. All 6 approaches on my diagram are counterclockwise (re W&P perspective) but the important point raised by W&P is the amount of time the convective layer (0.71-1solar radii) spends passing through the SSB position.
The inner loop trajectory and amount of time the convective layer is subject to the SSB is worthy of a paper in its own right, lets hope W&P look at this area in isolation in the future.