
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & CharvĂ tovĂ 's work.

Geoff Sharp

May 2011 news


SDO Sunspot

A small drop in activity today with 2 groups under the threshold.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1225 614 (723) 60% (63%)
1226 5068 (4666) 64% (63%)
1227 1872 (1379) 56% (62%)
1228 1259 (1014) 59% (61%)
1229 606 (454) 60% (75%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
114.8 (113.8) 4144 (4297) 2011/05/31 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

A big increase in activity today with seven regions making the grade.  Today's activity on a par with the heights of Feb-Mar last year (when viewing the DSN values). Spot activity somewhat volatile.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1222 590 63%
999 (2374)
61% (56%)
1225 723 (680) 63% (57%)
1226 4666 (3208) 63% (64%)
1227 1379 (426) 62% (47%)

SDO Sunspot

Region 1222 making a comeback today.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1228 1014 (477) 61% (56%)
New nth 454 75%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
113.8 (100.5) 4297 (2975) 2011/05/30 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

More action today with more to follow tomorrow.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
2374 (2334)
56% (64%)
1225 680 (483) 57% (59%)
1226 3208 (1353) 64% (59%)
New nth 477 56%
New sth 426 47%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
100.5 (92.3) 2975 (2037) 2011/05/29 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Activity increasing today with 4 areas making the grade. 1223 weaking quickly. 1224 growing quickly.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1223 386 (802) 73% (67%)
2334 (789)
64% (77%)
1225 483 59%
1226 1353 59%
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
92.3 (84.9) 2037 (1095) 2011/05/28 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Some improvement today with 3 areas making the grade. The new alpha area missing out. Overall activity still generally weak.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 461 (913)
57% (56%)
1223 802 (409) 67% (62%)
New nth
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
84.9 (82.4) 1095 (616) 2011/05/27 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity rising slightly today, with a new region plus a possible new alpha/unipolar region. A new article on the solar powerwave HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 913 (1351)
56% (58%)
New 429
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
82.4 (83.8) 616 (551) 2011/05/26 04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity dropping to very low levels today.  Will we see the F10.7 flux values drop below 80?  A new article on the solar powerwave HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 1351 (1545)
58% (59%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
83.8 (86.3) 551 (634) 2011/05/25  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity dropping still further today.  The F10.7 flux values dropping back strongly with Stereo Behind looking clear for the near future. A new article on the solar powerwave HERE.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 1545 (2174)
59% (56%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
86.3 (86.6) 634 (846) 2011/05/24  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity dropping today, there has been several non counting specks over the last few days. SDO back up but the Layman's Count having to resort to the 9:00 image. May is shaping up to be a low month at this rate. 

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 2174 (2379)
56% (60%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
86.6 (85.7) 846 (986) 2011/05/23  09:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity staying around the same today with the F10.7 flux falling to mid 80's with the help of negative sunspots. Some possible future activity showing on Stereo Behind. 

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 2379 (2173)
60% (66%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
85.7 (85.7) 986 (1175) 2011/05/22  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity staying around the same today with the F10.7 flux falling to mid 80's with the help of negative sunspots. 1214 not making the grade at 318 pixels.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1216 2173 (2046)
66% (67%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
85.7 (86.4) 1243 (1243) 2011/05/21  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity staying around the same today with the F10.7 flux falling under 90 with the help of negative sunspots. Stereo Behind may have some more unipolar spots in store.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1214 610 (877) 58% (56%)
1216 2046 (1838)
67% (64%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
86.4 (92.7) 1243 (1188) 2011/05/20  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity dropping again today with the F10.7 flux still falling towards a sub 90 position. Stereo Behind may have some more unipolar spots in store.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1214 877 (1463) 56% (54%)
1216 1838 (1461)
64% (60%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
92.7 (93.6) 1188 (1213) 2011/05/19  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity dropping again today with the F10.7 flux falling still as the negative sunspot rotates. A new paper discussed on WUWT today proving a cosmic ray/cloud link.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1214 1463 (1924) 54% (66%)
1216 1461 (957)
60% (61%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
93.6 (94.3) 1213 (1394) 2011/05/18  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity stagnant today with the F10.7 flux falling as the negative sunspot appears. Are we seeing a return of dominant unipolar regions? 1208 failing to make the grade today.

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1214 1924 (2003) 66% (69%)
1216 957 (497)
61% (60%)
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
94.3 (96.6) 1394 (1389) 2011/05/17  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

Overall solar activity rising today with the F10.7 flux beginning to weaken. Are we seeing a return of dominant unipolar regions?

NOAA Region #    
Pixels Darkness
1208 543 (585) 60% (76%)
1214 2003 (1211) 69% (73%)
New 497
F10.7  flux   DSN Date/Time UTC
96.6 (93.4) 1389 (993) 2011/05/16  04:00

SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/15  04:00   Overall solar activity rising slightly again today,  1208 bouncing back from the dead with a pixel reading of 585 and a darkness ratio of 76%. 1214 measures 1211 pixels (650) with a darkness ratio of 73% (78%) (very dark).  All other specks not making the grade. There has been several dark spots lately showing that the magnetic strength of SC24 continues to rise as we see May so far, lacking any punch.

Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 93.4 (95.3).  The DSN value for today is 993 with the previous measurement at 634.


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/14  04:00   Overall solar activity rising slightly today,  1208 falling below the threshold today. New region 1214 measures 650 pixels with a darkness ratio of 78% (very dark).  All other specks not making the grade. There has been several dark spots lately showing that the magnetic strength of SC24 continues to rise as we see May so far, lacking any punch.

Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 95.3 (94.7).  The DSN value for today is 634 with the previous measurement at 362.


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/13  04:00   Overall solar activity still on the downslope today,  1208 dropping off more and measures 468 pixels (691) with a darkness ratio of 76% (74%).  If Locarno split 1208 today, the day will be counted spotless. All other specks not making the grade. The north is continuing to rule, asymmetric hemispheric activity is normal during grand minimum type cycles.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 94.7 (96.0).  The DSN value for today is 362 with the previous measurement at 570.


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/12  04:00   Overall solar activity taking another hit today,   1208 dropping off more and measures 691 pixels (1026) with a darkness ratio of 74% (65%). 1210 not making the grade today at 291 pixels. All other specks not making the grade. The north is continuing to rule, asymmetric hemispheric activity is normal during grand minimum type cycles.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 96.0 (99.4).  The DSN value for today is 570 with the previous measurement at 950. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/11  04:00   Overall solar activity taking a big dive today, and the F10.7 flux falls below 100.  1208 dropping off and measures 1026 pixels (1425) with a darkness ratio of 65% (58%). 1210 also decreasing and measures 781 pixels (1482) with a darkness ratio of 57% (66%). All other specks not making the grade. The north is continuing to rule.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 99.4 (105.7).  The DSN value for today is 950 with the previous measurement at 1808. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/10  04:00  Overall solar activity on a slight increase today, 1203 measures 574 pixels (1124) with a darkness ratio of 61% (57%).  1204 measures 839 pixels (839) with a darkness ratio of 61% (60%). New area 1208 measures 1425 pixels (1155) with a darkness ratio of 58% (68%). 1210 measures 1482 pixels (571) with a darkness ratio of 66%. All other specks not making the grade. The north is continuing to rule.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 105.7 (104.1).  The DSN value for today is 1808 with the previous measurement at 1681. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/09  04:00  Overall solar activity on the increase today, 1203 measures 1124 pixels (1664) with a darkness ratio of 57% (55%).  1204 measures 839 pixels (1335) with a darkness ratio of 60% (59%). New area 1208 measures 1155 pixels with a darkness ratio of 68%. Another new area measures 571 pixels. All other specks not making the grade.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 104.1 (104.1).  The DSN value for today is 1681 with the previous measurement at 1301.


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/08  04:00  Overall solar activity backing off again today, 1203 measures 1664 pixels (1904) with a darkness ratio of 55% (61%).  1204 measures 1335 pixels (2723) with a darkness ratio of 59% (60%). All other specks not making the grade. The slow march continues.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 104.1 (103.7).  The DSN value for today is 1301 with the previous measurement at 1949.


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/07  04:00 Overall solar activity backing off again today, 1203 measures 1904 pixels (2455) with a darkness ratio of 61% (57%).  1204 measures 2723 pixels (2985) with a darkness ratio of 60% (64%). All other specks not making the grade. The slow march continues.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 103.7 (106.7).  The DSN value for today is 1949 with the previous measurement at 2335. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/06  04:00 Overall solar activity increased slightly today, 1203 measures 2455 pixels (2668) with a darkness ratio of 57% (64%).  1204 measures 2985 pixels (1897) with a darkness ratio of 64% (60%). All other specks not making the grade. Activity is certainly not strong at the moment, very interesting times. Next update on Sunday.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 106.7 (108.7).  The DSN value for today is 2335 with the previous measurement at 2170. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/05  04:00 Overall solar activity increased slightly today, 1203 measures 2668 pixels (2570) with a darkness ratio of 64% (58%).  1204 measures 1897 pixels (1911) with a darkness ratio of 60% (57%). All other specks not making the grade. Activity is certainly not strong at the moment, very interesting times.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 108.7 (108.8).  The DSN value for today is 2170 with the previous measurement at 1999. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/04  04:00 Overall solar activity decreasing slightly today, 1203 measures 2570 pixels (2653) with a darkness ratio of 58% (59%).  1204 has increased and measures 1911 pixels (1126) with a darkness ratio of 57% (64%). 1201 & 1200 falling below the threshold and failing the 24 hour rule and will not be counted today or yesterday. All other specks not making the grade.

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 108.8 (111.5).  The DSN value for today is 1999 with the previous measurement at 2097. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/03  04:00 Overall solar activity rising today, 1203 measures 2653 pixels (2360) with a darkness ratio of 59% (55%). 1201 now over the threshold and measures 437 pixels. 1200 also making the grade and measures 464 pixels. 1204 has increased and measures 1126 pixels (412) with a darkness ratio of 64%. All other specks not making the grade.The monthly figures are in with the recent ramp up coming to a halt. Once again the SIDC is overcounting compared to NOAA (0.66 factor)

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 111.5 (107.7).  The DSN value for today is 2097 with the previous measurement at 1145. 


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/02  04:00 Overall solar activity continues to shrink, 1203 measures 2360 pixels (1897) with a darkness ratio of 55% (53%). A new area counted by Locarno measures 412 pixels. All other specks not making the grade.The monthly figures are in with the recent ramp up coming to a halt. Once again the SIDC is overcounting compared to NOAA (0.66 factor)

 Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 107.7 (111.1).  The DSN value for today is 1145 with the previous measurement at 1259. 

Update: April means, SIDC 54.4, LSC 38.3, NOAA 81.7 (prov)


SDO Sunspot 

2011/05/01  04:00 Overall solar activity continues to shrink, 1195 reducing more and measures 400 pixels (1440). 1199 measures 985 pixels (1294). 1203 measures 1897 pixels (1234) with a darkness ratio of 53% (52%). 1200 has failed the 24 hour test and will not be counted today or yesterday. All other specks not making the grade.

Are we seeing the start of another period of unipolar groups? Yesterday's adjusted F10.7 flux figures measured at 20:00 UTC was 111.1 (111.2).  The DSN value for today is 1259 with the previous measurement at 1778. 

Update: April means, SIDC 54.4, LSC 38.3, NOAA 81.7 (prov)



Many thanks go to Carl's brother Dave for providing the Domain, Server and Software.