
What modulates our Sun? The majority of science work on the principle that the Sun is self modulating and each solar cycle is a product of a random number generator. There are others that suspect the Sun is modulated by the planets with a special emphasis on Uranus & Neptune. Thanks to Carl Smith who has recently left us we have new knowledge that significantly adds to Jose, Landscheidt & Charvàtovà's work.

Geoff Sharp

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‘Climate Seesaw’ Spurred Human Evolution For Millennia – New Study

IceAgeNow - Sun, 06/06/2021 - 15:57

Climate seesaw, including periods of glaciation, hammered humans for 620,000 years. NOT the other way around. No mention of humans hammering the climate.


In an article entitled “‘Climate Seesaw’ Spurred Human Evolution in Africa For Millennia, Scientists Say,” David Nield writes “Ancient, oscillating weather patterns similar to El Niño are chiefly responsible for environmental shifts in sub-Saharan Africa over the last 620,000 years, new research reveals – and they’re also likely to have played a big role in our evolution as a species.”

Looks like El Niños may be the culprit, not humans, doesn’t it?

Here another excerpt:

“According to the researchers, lush and verdant environments associated with heavy rainfall swung from the east to the west of Africa and back again, with each switch taking about 100,000 years. Animals, plants, and humans would have responded accordingly.”

Notice that each switch took “about 100,000 years.” I agree with that number. It corresponds with the ice-age cycle that I keep talking about in “Not by Fire and by Ice” and “Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps.”

That’s why I’m so concerned about humanity’s future, because I think we’re the very end of one of those cycles right now, headed for a major glaciation.

It’s a cycle! It’s a cycle! It’s a cycle!

“However, it seems likely that this ‘seesaw’ pattern needs to be accounted for in addition to the patterns of various ice glacier shifts, when it comes to trying to figure out patterns of migration overall, and why people might have moved where they did,” Nield continues.

Notice that Nield mentions “various ice glacier shifts” as contributing to the pattern.

See more of my post here, along with some important links.
(I’m trying to drive a little more traffic to my website

Thanks to Laurel for this info

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I smell a big fat commie rat manipulating the language

IceAgeNow - Fri, 06/04/2021 - 14:57

“Our first Ah Ha! moment is to realize that “right wing” means exactly nothing.”


Here are excerpts from an E.M. Smith article entitled

Socialism, Utopia, Workers Paradise

Here are excerpts from an E.M. Smith article. I think you might enjoy it.

Our first Ah Ha! moment is to realize that “right wing” means exactly nothing. It’s a catch all for “collectivists don’t like it” and they don’t like the history of Fascism being scored on their side, so they’ve pushed it over here on the “right wing” too and drug Nationalism along for the ride to assure you get both Italy and Germany assigned to “not us over here on the left!!”. So what IS now counted as ‘left wing’?

Our major clue here is to discover that whenever you see the word Social as a modifier, suspect fraud is being done to the modified word. Also, watch for the ‘redefinition rebranding’ game being played. It may not be 100%, but it is a very fruitful clue.

OK. conclusion time: “right wing” and “left wing” are entirely useless terms with the possible exception that “Left Wing” is consistently used by the Socialists, Communists and other Marxist Collectivists at least since the time that they shoved the Republicans over into the same (propaganda driven definition) side as the reactionaries and Monarchs.

Basically, I “smell a big fat commie rat” at work manipulating the language.

See entire article

Thanks to TomOMason for this link

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Snowiest and coldest May in centuries – but there’s nothing see here, just move along

IceAgeNow - Fri, 06/04/2021 - 14:26

Looking at brutal consequences for everyone concerned.

Snowiest and coldest May in centuries – but there’s nothing see here, just move along

LLoyd Martin Hendaye

This cold-wave is not just a U.S. but a northern hemisphere phenomenon, reflecting the final 20-year (2010- ’29) “amplitude compression” phase of Earth’s 140-year rebound from the 500-year, Holocene-ending Little Ice Age (LIA) of AD 1350 – 1850/1890.

Following the UK’s coldest April since 1922, Merrie England now records her coldest May in 362 years, since record-keeping began in 1659 amidst the LIA’s 70-year Maunder Minimum (1645 – 1715).

As temperatures drop below the 17th Century’s last Grand Solar Minimum, outdoing 1979’s “super-weak” Solar Cycle 20, Spring 2021 sets not only the coldest but the snowiest May in centuries, with knee-deep and widespread drifts re-opening ski resorts from England’s Lake District to the Scottish Highlands. Come summer, we’ll monitor reports for evidence of un-melted snowfalls as in Finland 2020, for that’s how glacial accumulations build.

Needless to say, had this been an unprecedented heatwave, media allied with crony-socialist officialdom would stand aghast at benighted humanity’s failure to sense impending Climate Doom. Yet as it stands, neither the BBC nor U.K. Met Office (weather service) acknowledges anything unusual, waving off reports with nary a note of context or perspective.

As this final chill-phase runs its course through 2029, reigning Establishments’ self-delusion shades to a democidal death-wise with brutal consequences for everyone concerned.

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Did Volcanoes Kill Off the Neanderthals?

IceAgeNow - Thu, 06/03/2021 - 18:28

That’s what this study suggests. But I wonder, did those volcanoes erupt in sync with the Laschamps magnetic reversal? Because if they did, then the magnetic reversal was actually the real culprit.

Volcanoes Killed Off Neanderthals, Study Suggests
Thus reads the title in the National Geographic News.

Catastrophic volcanic eruptions in Europe may have culled Neanderthals to the point where they couldn’t bounce back, according to this article.

However, modern humans apparently escaped extinction due to their far-flung fallback populations in Africa and Asia.

About 40,000 years ago in what we now call Italy and the Caucasus Mountains, which straddle Europe and Asia, several volcanoes erupted in quick succession, according to a study published in the October 2010 issue of the journal Current Anthropology.

It’s likely the eruptions reduced or wiped out local bands of Neanderthals and indirectly affected farther-flung populations, the team concluded after analyzing pollen and ash from the affected area. (See volcano pictures.)

See more of this article, which addresses the following questions

The more volcanic ash a layer had, the less plant pollen it contained

The most powerful eruption in Europe in the last 200,000 years

Did those volcanoes erupt in sync with the Laschamps magnetic reversal?


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Is our magnetic field weaker than we thought?

IceAgeNow - Thu, 06/03/2021 - 16:10

“This is not a good sign.

Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers says there’s something going on with the sun that should not be.

“There is absolutely nothing in the history of space weather that advises the expectation of a strong geomagnetic storm off a mild CME produced by the eruption of a small plasma filament,” says Ben.

See more, including video:

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A century of chilly, agriculture depressing weather is painful enough

IceAgeNow - Wed, 06/02/2021 - 17:00

The Electrical Universe theory: The sun is powered not by nuclear fusion but by vast electrical currents mediated by plasma streams which stretch through the stars of the galaxy and to the planets, and will continue downward carrying the Earth’s temperatures lower.

A century of chilly, agriculture depressing weather is painful enough

James Wood

If everyone is getting convinced that a Little Ice Age is coming and that there will be a Grand Solar Minimum then what is the place of the true Ice Age in this reasoning? There is the argument promoted by Rolf Witzschke that the bottom of the Grand Solar Minimum is not really there. The temperature will just drop through that nonexistent minimum and continue on down into a full blown Ice Age.

His reasoning is based on the Electrical Universe theory arguing that the sun is powered not by nuclear fusion but by vast electrical currents mediated by plasma streams which stretch through the stars of the galaxy and to the planets. These plasma stream’s intensity is cyclical with different periods resulting in the various fluctuations in solar output. The cyclical fluctuation relevant to Ice Ages is about 100,000 years in length and we are now dropping into the downside of this cycle. Of course, lesser cycles ride on top of this greater one so the observed cycles of the Little Ice Age are there too. Thus when the lesser cycle of the Little Ice Age stops declining the greater cycle will continue downward carrying the Earth’s temperatures lower.

Lower and lower and lower.

See more:



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A viable alternative to Chinese minerals hegemony

IceAgeNow - Tue, 06/01/2021 - 02:31

“You wouldn’t think government officials, especially in the Biden Administration, would have to be reminded that abundant, secure, affordable supplies of metals and minerals are absolutely critical for the wind turbines, solar panels, batteries, electric vehicles, transmission lines and other Green New Deal technologies they are constantly promoting,” writes Paul Driessen.

(To say nothing of being critical for our defense and aerospace technologies … and all based on what I see as highly orchestrated, fraudulent, phony global-warming scare tactics.)

“But that’s clearly not the case. America is still dependent on China and other often less-than-friendly sources for some 80% of those essential raw materials – and this untenable situation is getting worse every year – largely because these officials and their environmentalist allies vigorously oppose exploration and mining in the USA for the materials required to make their “renewable” energy utopia possible.”

“In this article, Duggan Flanakin presents the stark reality in a way that ought to spur action. Whether it will do so remains to be seen.”


A viable alternative to Chinese minerals hegemony

The long and winding road to building a Free-World rare-earths supply chain

Duggan Flanakin

Prompted by a worldwide chip shortage already impacting automobile production, President Biden in February signed an executive order directing a 100-day broad review of supply chains for critical materials for semiconductors and large-capacity batteries, including rare-earth elements. It builds on analyses, reports and executive orders initiated several years ago by the Trump Administration.

The stark truth that this review should highlight is that the U.S. and its Western allies have been left behind at the starting gate in a race only China seems to have realized was taking place.

The Chinese began building their now-dominant supply chain decades ago. The U.S. has been 100% net import reliant on rare-earth elements, with 80 percent of those imports sourced from China.

Technology metals consultant Jack Lipton has described five steps in a total rare-earth supply chain. Mining comes first, followed by extraction of the rare-earths from mining concentrates and preparation of clean, pre-PLS (pregnant leach solution) mixed rare-earths products. (Actually, there is another step that precedes mining, at least in Western countries – gaining permission to mine – and it is often the most difficult and most time-consuming step of all.)

Mining companies typically perform these two steps, and sometimes the third – separation of mixed rare earths into individual oxides and blends. Specialized smaller companies typically handle step 4, manufacturing chemical products (such as phosphors and catalysts) and individual metals and alloys, as well as step 5, manufacturing rare-earth permanent magnets from rare-earth alloys.

China today controls roughly 80% of the world’s rare-earth production capacity, 43 percent of exports, and nearly 90 percent of refining. No other nation today has a functional complete rare-earth supply chain. This means the U.S. and its Western allies have a lot of catching up to do; Western nations have also failed to develop and carry out strategic minerals strategies.

One reason for these strategic shortcomings has been strong opposition to mining, and especially to the very word “radioactive” (for rare-earth deposits linked to thorium and uranium found in monazite ores) from constituencies opposed to environmentally challenging mining practices.

Energy consultant David Blackmon recently asserted that, “There will be no successful ‘energy transition’ or ‘Green New Deal’ implementation in the United States,” unless companies are allowed to access this country’s own plentiful supplies of copper, nickel, cobalt and rare-earth minerals. Yet, he laments, the most strident proponents of decarbonization and renewable energy are often the most strident opponents of domestic mining of these critical minerals.

Anti-mining sentiments remain strong, especially among environmental pressure groups and professional staff at regulatory agencies. For example, a recent article pointed out that offshore wind turbines that are essential to President Biden’s call for 30,000 megawatts of electricity from offshore wind by 2030 require 63,000 pounds of copper per turbine – 8 tons of copper per megawatt of energy output.

World copper prices jumped in May to an all-time high of $10,440 per metric ton, a number perhaps buoyed by Biden Administration decisions to pause the permitting of two major U.S. copper mines – the Rio Tinto/BHP Group Resolution Copper joint venture in Arizona and the PolyMet NorthMet copper-nickel-precious metals mine in Minnesota. Notably, PolyMet began its quest for permits 17 years ago after leasing mineral rights for the NorthMet deposit in 2000.

This slow-walked approach to energy and materials policy cannot stand if the U.S. is to build reliable, affordable supply chains for critical materials. TechMet Chairman and CEO Brian Menell recently stated, “To remain a leader in the energy and automotive areas, the U.S. must secure adequate supplies of the metals necessary to power the 21st Century’s industrial revolution.”

Menell’s company “builds projects that produce, process and recycle ‘technology metals’ critical for electric vehicles, renewable energy systems and energy storage.” He urged the federal government to work with the private sector to enhance supply chains among partners and allies. He called for “massive funding” to transform the U.S. critical metals industry and ramp up global production to help meet geometrically growing demand.

There is a sense of urgency in Menell’s comments, affirmed by Andrew Miller, product director at Benchmark Mineral Intelligence. Miller told NPR’s Marketplace that, sure, “you can build a new electric vehicle factory in a couple of years,” but “to fund, start and refine the processing from a new raw material facility, you’re looking at five to seven years.” And that’s with fast-track permitting that steamrolls citizen and pressure group opposition.

In a four-part series addressing Chinese dominance in the rare-earths industry, Jamil Hijazi and James Kennedy explained that China built its rare-earth industry as part of a carefully designed nationalistic strategy for world domination, one not motivated by the quest for private profits.

Now, with their market share dominance, “China uses opaque subsidies to eliminate any profit potential for competitors. No profit potential, no competitors, China’s metallurgical monopoly remains secure and uncontested.” Even more daunting, the lack of non-Chinese processing, refining and metallurgical capacity means the world sells China its low value ore-concentrate and China sells back much higher value end products.

Menell points out that China’s rare-earths dominance is “the result of decades of successful central planning, to secure the minerals required to develop technologies across strategic sectors such as energy, auto and defense.”

President Biden’s executive order supporting the concept of resilient, diverse, secure supply chains is certainly admirable. However, Menell says, the United States must make the supply of critical minerals a central part of both domestic and foreign policy.

Menell notes that the Biden Administration also needs to educate the American public that the mining and processing of critical materials can be done with much lower environmental impacts by American companies than by Chinese firms, and that America’s economic well-being depends heavily on an integrated rare-earths value chain.

“The United States cannot afford to be a bystander in the most significant transformation of the global industrial and technological landscape since the invention of the steam engine,” Menell emphasized.

Failure to take bold, ongoing action will doom the USA – and other Western nations – to submission to China’s iron grip on 21st Century technology.

Unchallenged, China could choose to expand its empire southward and eastward, as Western voices are muted by their utter dependence on Chinese “generosity” in supplying materials for smart phones, wind turbines, electric vehicles, defense and aerospace technologies, and more. China could also continue to force U.S. and other Western companies to “share” their most valuable corporate and national security secrets, and even their profits, with their Chinese “benefactors.”

Duggan Flanakin is director of policy research at the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow ( He began his career as chief editor for scientific research at the U.S. Bureau of Mines.


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Record cold across Northeast dating back to the 1800s

IceAgeNow - Mon, 05/31/2021 - 15:52

Dozens – more likely hundreds – of cold records were broken or shattered on Saturday.

Many locations broke daily low temperature records, while others shattered lowest daily high temperature records.

Some of these records for lowest high temperature dated back to the 1800s.

For some reason unfathomable to me, AccuWeather forces you to muddle through several rambling unimportant paragraphs before you get to the heart of this story, which is:

Record cold across a huge expanse of the northern tier

More than two dozen large cities from Ohio and Kentucky, eastward to southern New England either broke or tied daily records for lowest high temperature on May 29. A few notable cities in this list are New York City and Baltimore.

And who knows how many cold records were broken in the smaller cities and towns?

In addition, record low temperatures were broken or tied across portions of the Great Lakes, Northeast and other areas in the northern tier of the country.

Harrisburg, Reading and Allentown, Pennsylvania, all experienced a 41 degree Fahrenheit difference in high temperatures from Wednesday, May 26, to Saturday, May 29. On Saturday, the temperature in Reading struggled to reach a high of 52, which became the lowest high temperature ever recorded for the city on May 29. It shattered the previous record of 58 from 1996.

Pittsburgh was only able to top out at 51 degrees on Saturday, breaking a record that had stood since the late 1800s. The previous lowest high temperature for the city was 54 degrees, set in 1897. On the other side of the state, Philadelphia broke an even older record with a high temperature of only 54 degrees on Saturday. The previous lowest high temperature for the date was 56 degrees from 1884.

Both Binghamton, New York, and LaGuardia Airport in New York City, tied record lows when temperatures dropped to levels more akin to April than late May.

See entire article:

Thanks to Oly for this link

“Still snowing on the Stratton Mt live cam 12:30 PM on 5/30/21,” says Oly.

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Adelaide shivers through coldest May morning in almost 100 years

IceAgeNow - Mon, 05/31/2021 - 10:24

For some reason, the headlined that it was the coldest May morning in Melbourne in 70 years. You have to read almost to the bottom of the article before finding that it was the coldest May morning in Adelaide since 1927.



It was a frosty morning across southeast Australia, with many inland places plunging well below zero and Adelaide dipping to 3.5C — the equal coldest May morning since 1927.

Meanwhile, Melbourne shivered through its coldest May morning in more than 70 years, the Bureau of Meteorology said on Sunday.

Temperatures fell to 1.7C, which is the lowest for the city since mid last century.

The BOM posted to Twitter on Sunday saying, “if you are less than 71 years and 364 days old, it is the coldest May Melbourne morning in your lifetime.”

It was the coldest May morning since 1949. But the coldest on record was May 29 in 1916 when temperatures plummeted to -1.1C.

Now remember, this was not just for the date, but for the entire month.

Thanks to Laurel for this link


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Record Cold Memorial Day to Challenge Temps from the Mid 1800s

IceAgeNow - Sat, 05/29/2021 - 10:33

Snowfall in places! Freeze advisories in northern-tier states! On Memorial Day! Perhaps the idea that we’re headed for a new Little Ice Age isn’t so far-fetched after all.


29 May 2021 – “In the Northeast, daily high temperatures Saturday could be as much as 20 degrees below normal and even challenge records in places,” says AccuWeather senior meteorologist Alex Sosnowski. “Add to that a soaking rainfall and the recipe for a holiday weekend spoiler is complete.”

“There’s even the chance that some wet snowflakes can mix in at times over the higher elevations of upstate New York at the start of the weekend,” Sosnowski warns.

“A bit of sleet and snow was observed in parts of Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Friday morning. North of the precipitation area, freeze advisories were issued over the northern tier of the United States.

Unseasonably cold air “may also challenge record low maximum temperatures that have been in the books as far back as the middle 1800s.”

Dozens of locations could set record-low maximum temperatures on Saturday alone

“There are dozens of locations that could set record low maximum temperatures on Saturday alone in the Northeast,” AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Jesse Ferrell said.

“In some cases, the records have withstood the test of time since the mid-1800s.

“For example, the forecast high temperature for Philadelphia Saturday is only 55 F. If this occurs, it would break the record low maximum temperature of 56 set in 1884. Washington, D.C., may break its record low maximum of 58 set in 1893 on Saturday. In New York City, the forecast high for Saturday is 54 — some 20 degrees below the average high for this time of year.

Midwest cities such as Minneapolis, Milwaukee and Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Columbus, Ohio, have already been impacted by the out-of-season storm.

Record cold going back to the mid 1800s, and Accuweather’s headline merely calls it “Unseasonably Cold” ! ? ! ? day-weekend/953465

Thanks to Bill Sellers for this link

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It isn’t a conspiracy theory when they ARE out to get you

IceAgeNow - Wed, 05/26/2021 - 19:54

As E.M. Smith puts it.


But first, please note that there’s fresh snow in both Oregon and Wyoming.

Snowing in Oregon:

More fresh snow in Wyoming:

Thanks to Oly for these links

And now, as E.M. Smith puts it:

What bothers me a whole lot more than any “Conspiracy Theories” is the absolutely proven (and publicly stated by the perpetrators) actual Conspiracies against the Public Trust.

I could list them, but that would take far too much comment space. Let’s just start with the Russia Russia Russia! Hoax for years and then mention the Masks-NoMasks-Masks-NoMask shut down the economy until we have full power CDC (Faucci) et. al. Drama Queens…

Oh, and 2 phony “impeachments” that were so fraudulent the constitution arbiter, Chief Justice, refused to sit for them.

It isn’t a conspiracy theory when they ARE out to get you.

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That the statists called Fascism ”right wing” is a triumph of false propaganda

IceAgeNow - Wed, 05/26/2021 - 14:41

Sorry about the dearth of posts in the last two days. I (Robert) am in the hospital and am being so constantly prodded and poked and explored that I’m finding it hard to find time to post.


That the statists called Fascism ”right wing” is a triumph of false propaganda

David A

Nonsense. Socialism, Communism, Fascism all equal Statism, individual freedom lost to group power.

Global companies are fighting any populist national movements. International companies are working directly with Statist striving for one world government. This is Fascism, State control and or ownership of Corporations. ( See China)

It is true that it is not perfectly clear who is controlling who, the one world politicians and bureaucrats vs the international one world corporations. Yet their power objective, central international control of the masses and reduced liberty to individuals, all done via centrally planned economies, reduced property rights and freedoms, destruction of American ideals of a constitutional republic, is clear, and decisively rooted in tyranny.

The “right” is against such group power over others and supports individual rights. That the statists called Fascism ” right wing” is a triumph of false propoganda.

So, while Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Mercantilism, etc… may on occasion be not used in the technically correct terms, that is often a distinction with out a difference. And I assure you, both current US leadership, and EU leadership, are working in harmony with international corporations towards the same tyrannical objectives. In the end all the tyrants will, with increased international success, fight each other for supremacy.

It’s their nature.

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Bill Gates Wants to Dim the Sun and Cause Global Cooling! – Sheer Madness!

IceAgeNow - Wed, 05/26/2021 - 04:29

He wants to cool the planet during a solar minimum, a solar minimum that could well be leading us into a new little ice age – right now.

Dimming the Sun is is dimwit idea.


Bill Gates backs project to ‘dim the sun’, Tucker Carlson reacts

“Bill Gates thinks of himself as – God,” says Tucker Carlson. He thinks he can control the solar system.

And believe it or not, scientists at Harvard University are testing Bill’s idea by spewing calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere.

‘Apocalypse Neve’ author Michael Shellenberger calls it “grossly irresponsible” and in my opinion Shellenberger is understating the magnitude of irresponsibility.

“The amount of hubris and arrogance involved here… we’re talking about millions of farmers around the world who will be affected by this.”


Here are excerpts from a wonderful article about the cockamamie idea by Dr. Mark Sircus:

The Madness of Cooling A Cooling Planet

By Dr. Mark Sircus

“Though there are many madmen in the world, there is only one mad enough to cool a cooling planet. Bill Gates is probably the most dangerous man on Earth, and there seems to be little anyone can do about it. He is a target that no one can hit, but Tucker Carlson certainly took a shot at him and what he wants to do to the Earth. I think Tucker is right. Gates has a God complex worse than any Guru that has walked the planet. What Tucker does not say that his plan to cool the Earth is a global suicidal project because the Earth is already cooling on its own.”

We are into our third spring month, and it is still snowing in the northern hemisphere, yet the madmen ruling the planet will not let the media inform the people that the climate experts were wrong about man-made global warming. Earth is facing a deep freeze, and solar scientists are warning us that this cooling, which has accelerated dramatically this year, will continue for several decades.

Read all of Dr Sircus’s great article here:

Thanks to Yukon Jack for this link

“If we spray the upper atmosphere to blot out the sun (to stop the myth of global warming) that will be the last thing our specie does before extinction,” says Yukon.

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Nightmare marathon: 21 dead after extreme cold upends 100-km cross-country race in China

IceAgeNow - Mon, 05/24/2021 - 13:58

The original headline said “extreme weather” without mentioning the cold. I have change that headline for honesty’s sake. Global warming fraud, anyone? (The BBC and Yahoo also labeled it “severe weather” instead of severe cold.) Cover-up, anyone?

Here are excerpts from the article:

Nightmare marathon: 21 dead after extreme weather upends 100-km cross-country race in China
23 May 2021

A marathon in northwestern China’s Gansu Province turned into a fight for survival after hail, freezing rain, and strong winds lashed a high-altitude stage of the race, leaving 21 people dead.

The race kicked off Saturday morning in Jingtai Yellow River Stone Forest, a popular tourist attraction and park covering around 50 square kilometers, located southeast of Jingtai County in Gansu Province.

Around 1pm on Saturday, things started going awry in the 100-km (62-mile) cross-country ultramarathon, Xinhua reported. Participants who reached the stage 20 to 31 kilometers out were subjected to freezing rain, hail, and extremely strong gusts of wind. The sudden change in the weather reportedly resulted in hypothermia for several participants of the 172-person marathon. The event was ultimately suspended after the organizers lost contact with several members of the race.

Over 1,200 rescuers have been involved in the search for missing people. Heavy machinery and multiple vehicles were spotted at the scene.

The effort has been hindered by the rocky terrain and the weather. Making matters worse, a landslide hit the area shortly after the drop in temperature, further complicating the search.

Over 1,200 rescuers have been involved in the search for missing people. Heavy machinery and multiple vehicles were spotted at the scene.

Thanks to Ryan, Alexey Parkhomenko, Laurel, Don Wilkening and David Johnson for these links

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How the CDC Is Manipulating Data to Prop-up “Vaccine Effectiveness”

IceAgeNow - Mon, 05/24/2021 - 12:46

Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.


How the CDC Is Manipulating Data to Prop-up “Vaccine Effectiveness”

Yukon Jack

New policies will artificially deflate “breakthrough infections” in the vaccinated, while the old rules continue to inflate case numbers in the unvaccinated.

By Kit Knightly

“The US Center for Disease Control (CDC) is altering its practices of data logging and testing for “Covid19” in order to make it seem the experimental gene-therapy “vaccines” are effective at preventing the alleged disease.

They made no secret of this, announcing the policy changes on their website in late April/early May, (though naturally without admitting the fairly obvious motivation behind the change).

The trick is in their reporting of what they call “breakthrough infections” – that is people who are fully “vaccinated” against Sars-Cov-2 infection, but get infected anyway.

Essentially, Covid19 has long been shown – to those willing to pay attention – to be an entirely created pandemic narrative built on two key factors:

  • The unreliable PCR test can be manipulated into reporting a high number of false-positives by altering the cycle threshold (CT value)
  • Inflated Case-count. The incredibly broad definition of “Covid case”, used all over the world, lists anyone who receives a positive test as a “Covid19 case”, even if they never experienced any symptoms.

Without these two policies, there would never have been an appreciable pandemic at all, and now the CDC has enacted two policy changes which means they no longer apply to vaccinated people.”

And how’s this for deceptiveness?

Being asymptomatic – or having only minor symptoms – will no longer count as a “Covid case” but only if you’ve been vaccinated.


Note: I just learned that this article was originally posted on You can view the much more comprehensive entire article here:

Thanks to Don Villeneuve for this link

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Covid Operation to Devastate Our Freedom May Be Over

IceAgeNow - Sun, 05/23/2021 - 10:26

What will be the next op? Crashing the currency system? Aliens?

Covid Operation to Devastate Our Freedom May Be Over


I think it’s over. This is why: Informed people, even those who don’t frequent conspiracy sites must now know everything listed below. Perhaps more to the point, the political authorities upholding/enforcing this operation can no longer pretend not to know the same list of items:

  • The number of cases is fraudulently inflated, not least by running the PCR test at too many cycles.
  • The ludicrous practice of denying supposed cases all treatment until hospitalization is readily seen as a means of increasing “vaccination.”
  • Vaccinations are producing large numbers of illness & even death.
  • 60% of all new Covid cases are among the vaccinated.
  • Vaccination which doesn’t immunize causes emergence of more virulent strains. (We have examples of this w polio and other diseases. It’s analogous to unsuccessful antibiotic treatment causing antibiotic-resistant bacteria.)
  • The public at large believes the virus to be lab-created.
  • Many are aware of conflict of interest by Fauci & the CDC
  • And my favorite:
    When you hold a cloth mask up to the light you see the holes in the weave. Bacteria aren’t larger than these holes, hence cannot be stopped by cloth masks. Viruses are 100 times smaller still.

There is of course much more, but I think that the Covid operation is now at a standstill, and is even beginning to backslide. What will be the next op? Crashing the currency system? Aliens?

A few Covid bits:

  • LifeSiteNews reported on April 21, 2021, that Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at Yale University has discovered from clinicians in the field treating COVID-19 patients that an estimated 60% of the new COVID-19 patients they are treating are patients who have already been vaccinated for COVID-19.
  • This is the TENTH report that 60% of new cases are among the vaxed.
    (You may remember that Dr. McCullough in the Fox interview carried on Ice Age Now said the same thing.)
  • Fauci has now backpedaled on masks, and peoples’ faces are beginning to re-appear even here in CA.
  • Some are relating Fauci’s Congressional grilling to the public letter by 317 retired generals & admirals which was reported May 9 here .
  • Although the above letter doesn’t mention Covid, its warning about fraudulent election and the rule of law is nevertheless relevant– as are all things political just now.
  • Even Biden’s role as mask for the powerful Deep State billionaires has been set aside. One now sees only “Ears”, his look-alike.

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Headed for slavery, loss of our freedoms and eventually the iron fist of communism

IceAgeNow - Sat, 05/22/2021 - 08:03

All in the name of the “Green New Deal.”

“The U.S. Not Prepared for Mini Ice Age: Wake Up”.

That’s the title of an insightful commentary by Devvy on

Here are some excerpts:

Americans are gearing up for summer as spring is in full bloom. Hot temperatures we normally see in states like Arizona, Texas, Florida and others will soon be upon us. For many it means the yearly thaw from snow states and time for fun in the sun.

Imbecile, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, ‘climate change’ cult members from the brain dead Hollywood screeching club, ignorant politicians including too many Republicans in Congress, reporters, those scared by the nonsense coming from mega mouths Greta Thunberg , Al Gore(bechev) and others believe we have a scant 9-10 years before the earth fries us all like a microwave oven.

None of them can spell science but through constant, repeated lies they’ve convinced people around the world the end is in sight. The brainwashing began in the public indoctrination centers called schools. The so-called “Green New Deal” is nothing but a well-planned move to completely bankrupt this country and kill capitalism in favor of slavery, loss of our freedoms and eventually the iron fist of communism.

Over the decades “global warming” turned into a dud with voters here in the U.S. so it was re-branded as climate change. I’ve been monitoring earthquakes over the last 18 months after I started reading up on periods of life- threatening cold weather called ice ages which led me to learn about what is a ‘mini ice age’.

Criminal impostor “president” and medical example of advanced dementia possibly bordering on Altzheimer’s (Biden’s confusion, “where are we”?, mixing up who his wife is with another female), Cheater China Joe , is trying to sell his handlers $3 TRILLION dollar infrastructure nightmare which would include $400 BILLION BORROWED DOLLARS for climate change.

If we don’t fight this the consequences are going to be horrific.

See all of this great commentary:

Thanks to Winston Smith for this link

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February in mid May for California

IceAgeNow - Fri, 05/21/2021 - 11:06

“High temperatures will be more reminiscent of what we might see in February or early March,” National Weather Service warns. Yet more snowfall on the way.

Unusually strong cold front

An unusually strong cold front will dive into the region today bringing a round of strong winds and numerous rain and snow

Snow: Rain and snow showers are expected to develop over most areas by this afternoon, with even isolated thunderstorms
possible, producing pellets and lightning. Heavier snow showers, especially those in the mountains, could result in sudden slick
roadways and traffic incidents. This rain and snow shower pattern will likely occur again Friday and Saturday. Even overnight snow showers cannot be ruled out and these may produce a dusting of snow even at lower elevations.

Temperatures will plummet

* Chill: Temperatures will plummet to well below normal today through Saturday. This combined with breezy winds and showers
will make it feel rather unpleasant for those outside for extended periods of time. High temperatures will be more reminiscent of what we might see in February or early March.

Freezes likely

Freezes are likely Friday morning and possibly again Saturday morning, so ensure your early plants and irrigation are

Thanks to Kenneth Lund for this link

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Will Franken on Climate Change and Greta Thunberg – Video

IceAgeNow - Thu, 05/20/2021 - 03:46

Not surprisingly, YouTube includes a warning with this video that “Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.”

Recorded at free-thinking comedy club Comedy Unleashed, outrageous comedian Will Franken’s ‘Climate Change Trans Counselling’ sketch. Inspired by Greta Thunberg and the Climate Crisis Emergency Terror.

Thanks to Winston Smith for this video
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Winter Weather Advisory for California Mountains – So much for the global warming hoax

IceAgeNow - Wed, 05/19/2021 - 11:33

Northern Sierra. Also Southern Cascades. Snow down to 3500 feet.

Slippery roads and chain controls.

Winter conditions expected for mountain recreation, especially around Lassen Park and along the Sierra crest.

Reduced visibility at times.

Thanks to Ryan for this link

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